Friday, July 20, 2012

Another shooting...what is this world coming to.....

First this is not a religious post.  I don't want the title getting messed with and misinterpreted.  I do not understand what makes people do this kind of thing.

Second, I am not in favor of how the NRA thinks every person should have easy access to guns to murder whoever they get in their sights.

Third, and most importantly, our thoughts and prayers (or the equivalent in your belief system) go out to the families of all involved.  Yes the family of the perpetrator needs our prayers too...I suspect the family is in need of help as well.  I think many of us could know someone who might have been in a theater to see a premier of the movie The Dark Knight Rises and we, undoubtedly, do not understand how the vicious attack could have any meaning.

I do not know how to respond to this horrible event.  Yes it recalls the mess in Littleton, Colorado's Columbine High School in April 1999...yes it has been 13 years since that event occurred.  No, it is not quite the same but by the same token it is a mass murder by someone who needed help to deal with life.

Lets all hug those we care about a little more often.  Peace, Cyn

1 comment:

KathyFuller said...

I agree with you 100%, Cyn. I honestly cannot fathom this tragedy. The families and friends of ALL those involved, including the Holmes family are in my prayers. Every time something like this happens, it brings to mind all the other mass shootings in recent years. But, more than those shootings, it takes me back to 12/13/2005 when our precious granddaughter, Whitni, was shot and killed in a senseless act of violence just 2 weeks before her 19th birthday. When these shootings happen, it breaks my heart.