Ruth Perry made my daughter, Beth--a non tatter, a purple snail when we were at her beautiful home before Christmas. Beth has kept the tatted snail in the back of her checkbook. Beth and a friend, Shawn, got pulled over after dropping an acquaintance of Shawn's who he hadn't seen for several years at a house they had never been near before. The officer asked Beth to step out of her car and proceeded to search the entire car, her purse, and asked Beth to empty her pockets. They took Shawn (a buff college kid) out of the car, handcuffed him and patted him down. Apparently the house they had left Shawn's acquaintance at was a known drug dealers home, and we police were stopping anyone leaving that house. The officer went through Beth's purse and noticed a small, irregular bump on the back of her checkbook and got excited...He knew he had a drug dealer or at least user. That had to be a small bag of drugs!!!!! Alas, when he opened her checkbook all he found was a friendly, completely harmless, clean and sober, purple tatted Celtic Snail! The poor officer really looked disappointed...his drug bust was a clean and sober Celtic Snail...
Now we can all laugh about the event! At the time it was disconcerting to Beth but the poor officer was so sure he had a drug user and it would be a good arrest but alas he only found a snail. No drugs of any kind. They had actually handcuffed Shawn and patted him down. Beth is convinced the only reason she wasn't cuffed and patted down was they didn't have a female officer on duty at the time....purple Celtic Snails are not illegal...
Moral to the out where you stop and let someone out of your car!
Tatters unite and let's tat up a drug free world that will be safe for Celtic Snails and everyone else...